Student Guiding Rules

It has been said that behaviour is a mirror in which you reflect your own image. Your behaviour indicates to others what is going on in your mind and how you are feeling. Attitude is the way you think, feel and act. Your attitude affects your behaviour because the two are closely related. You become what your thoughts make you.

Negative attitudes and behaviours can be changed by changing what goes into your mind. Put in thoughts that are good, clean, pure and positive. Positive input produces positive results and vice versa.

You can take the following steps to bring about positive change in the way you think and act.

  • Set your own internal standards.
    Believe that you are unique and special; possessing the potential to improve and change.  Recognise your strengths and weaknesses.  Try not to compare yourself with others.
  • Project a good self-image.
    Always try to be neat and clean.  Dress smartly.  Your personal grooming and appearance project how you feel and see yourself on the inside.
  • Beware of negative thoughts and emotions.
    Learn to keep calm.  Anger is a very destructive emotion.  If you let others anger you, they win.  Count from one to ten before responding to provocative remarks and insults.  This may stop you from saying or doing something that you would not say or do under normal circumstances.  Learn to put things behind you.  Harbouring dark thoughts of revenge or looking for ways to get even with someone who has harmed you only allows that person to hurt you longer.  If you dislike a person or thing, focus on something positive about that person each time negative thoughts about him / her creeps into your mind.
  • Learn from failures and mistakes.
    Failure can be turned into success if you learn from it.  Do not be discouraged should you fail to achieve something at the first attempt.  Instead, be persistent; double your efforts or change your strategies.  Think of problems as challenges or opportunities and seek ways to overcome them rather than be overcome.
  • Be cheerful and courteous.
    If you find it difficult to be cheerful, act cheerful, and in a short time, you will find that it is no longer an act.  Learn to smile; as only, very rarely, do others not respond to a smile.  If you are pleasant and polite, most people will respond in a similar manner.  If you are rude or grumpy, do not be surprised if others react the same way.
  • Accept responsibility for what happens to you.
    Do you belong to the “It’s not my fault” club?  Negative people avoid taking responsibility for what happens to them.  They blame any set-backs or failures on others.  For example, blaming parents [‘..my parents do not understand me; all they want me to do is study..’], neighbours [‘..how can I study when they are so noisy..’], teachers [‘..Mr. X never explains properly..’], the environment [‘.. the class is so hot, how can I concentrate?’] and bad luck [‘..I failed my test because I saw a black cat on the way to school.’].  If any of the above applies to you, it is time to start recognizing that success is not determined by the environment or the circumstances that you face but by yourself, through the choices you make each day.

Start living by the principle that, “If it is to be, it is up to me.”

  • Be Prepared.

    To get the most out of a lesson, you must read in advance, the materials that is to be taught in class.  This is important, especially for difficult topics and subjects in which you are weak.  You will find that whatever you have read in advance becomes a form of revision when the teacher explains it in class and you are more likely to understand it and remember it.

  • Pay Full Attention In Class.

    It is essential that you concentrate fully on what is being taught in class.  Staying fully focused will give you a better chance of comprehending the lesson.  Mastering what is being taught, while it is being taught, will save your time labouring over it during your study time at home.

  • Consistent Revision.

    It is equally important that you revise a lesson as soon as possible after it is taught, to make sure that you have understood it and to reinforce what you have learnt.  Lessons must be revised consistently and continuously.  Do not expect to remember something you have learnt several months ago if you do not revise it regularly or revised it only once.  Consistent and continuous revision will help to ensure that you do not have to try and cram a team’s work into two nights of frenzied revision just before an examination.

  • Use Your Study Time Wisely.

    Try to give yourself an uninterrupted period of time of at least one and a half hours to study material that requires concentration or to do work that requires sequential thinking.  Your focus and thought patterns will be broken if you keep getting up from your study desk, to answer the telephone, get a snack from the kitchen or get side-tracked in front of the television.

  • Mini Notebooks.

    Make use of mini notebooks in which to record dates and events, formulas and definitions as well as other data.  These can be carried around in your pocket or pencil case and taken out and read when you have ‘free’ time, for example while waiting at the bus stop or riding home from school.

  • Set Yourself A Target.

    If you are studying for a test, have a specific but realistic goal.  Aim at obtaining a particular grade or mark and work towards it.  Studying without an objective is like shooting without aiming.

  • Be Positive.

    To improve and succeed in your studies, a positive attitude and a desire to improve and succeed can help greatly in achieving your goals.  Nothing will change unless you desire it and for things to improve, you must change your attitude.  However, desire without action will not bring about results.  Make a decision to change.

Procedures and Guidelines for Disciplinary Offences and Actions

  1. Every student should know that the purpose of education is to prepare him / her for life and to play a positive and useful role in society. He / she should also know that the school itself is a mini society where every student must learn to be conscious of the rights and respect the feelings of others and be concerned for the general welfare of the school itself. The regulations below are drawn up with these aims in view, and are not to be regarded as mere restrictions on personal liberty.
  2. The school expects the support, understanding and co-operation of the parents in its effort to educate their children. The school reserves the right to take disciplinary action against students for offences that are not covered in the school rules but warrant disciplinary action.
  3. Disciplinary action for offences may include advice, counselling, warning, demerit points, community services, caning, suspension from school and expulsion.
  4. It is the aim of the School to assist students to grow up with a clear view of what is right and what is wrong, appreciating and respecting the needs and rights of others and of the society around them.
  1. Every teacher is a discipline teacher.  It is the responsibility of all teachers to take the necessary action if they see any student violating the school rules.
  2. Disciplinary actions that may be taken by teachers include talking to students, giving advice, counselling, warning, extra duty/work, detention classes, community services or demerit points.
  3. Teachers are strongly urged to exhaust all possible avenues before giving demerit points to students or sending them to the Headmaster or his assistants.  Talking to students, giving advice, counselling or even warning (minimum 3 times) should be explored and might prove to be very effective.  Any teacher, at any time, may seek the assistance of parents to discipline their child.
  4. Where necessary, a teacher may demerit a student between 2 – 10 points for offences listed under D1-D26 in paragraph 4.4 depending on the seriousness and frequency of the offence.  Issuance of more than 10 demerit points for an offence must be approved by the School Disciplinary Board
  5. Notification of demerit points (Form D1) must be submitted to the class teacher, together with details of remedial action taken thus far.
  6. The class teacher is to establish and maintain a close relationship with his/her students and be interested in their academic performances, physical, social and emotional welfare, to enable the students to confide in him/her.
  7. Upon receiving the demerit notification, the class teacher is to give advice and counselling to the student concerned and, if necessary, inform the parents accordingly by phone or through parent-teacher interview.  The Student Discipline Record (Form D2) must be updated.
  8. At 75 and 65 points, the class teacher will initiate a parent-teacher interview and seek the co-operation and assistance of parents in improving the behaviour and attitude of the students concerned.
  9. At 55 points, the class teacher is to inform the Headmaster or his assistants, who will give final advice, counselling or warning to the student concerned.  A parent-headmaster interview may be arranged and an agreement of good conduct signed.
  10. Only matters which are serious in nature or are repetitive are to be  referred to the Headmaster.  At this stage, it is assumed that parents have been informed of the conduct/behaviour of the students, several reminders and warnings have been given or that it is at the request of the parents.
  11. The Headmaster or his assistant, at their discretion, may impose any or some of the following measures (in accordance with the procedures and guidelines set out by the Department of Education, Sarawak)
    1. Advice, counselling or warning.
    2. Community services.
    3. Corporal punishment e.g. caning.
    4. Suspension and / or expulsion from school.
  12. The Director of the School will be informed of cases of suspension and/or expulsion.


  1. Students must be in school at all times during school hours. They cannot come later than 7.30am. Failing to do so will incur the necessary punishment. Students are to be dropped off by their   parents/relatives/drivers in the school in the morning and fetched by them from the school after school hours. Students are to be fetched as soon as school has ended. Students are not allowed to leave the school compound to go to the shops until their parents pick them up. The school is not responsible for the safety of students outside the school compound at all times; and after 4.45pm when ECA has ended (after 5.00pm for Mandarin Language students) in the school.
  2. Students must not leave the school compound during school hours without first obtaining permission from the Headmaster or his representatives.
  3. Students must stay in the appointed place or classrooms for all lessons, including ‘free periods’.
  4. Students should remain outside the classrooms, laboratories,  workshops and art room during recess or after school hours except for classroom cleaning, or official club or society meetings.  Students must obtain permission before using any room unless accompanied by a teacher.  Regulations governing the use of special rooms and the library must be strictly observed.
  5. Students are only allowed on the ground floor of the school after 4.00pm except students taking Mandarin Language classes or attending ECAs held in the classrooms and top floor.
  6. Students are only allowed on the ground floor during the breaks. They may go upstairs 5 minutes before the end of break


  1. Students must come to school neatly dressed in proper school uniform (for classes as well as official school functions).  Jewellery and accessories (except on religious grounds) must not be worn.  Haircuts must conform to the Education Department’s regulations.  Coloured hair is not allowed. Dress code for boys includes the school belt. Only black hair bands are allowed for girls. All students must wear black socks and black shoes without any coloured lining or logo. Only school jackets are allowed.
  2. The school uniform must be worn with respect at all times.
  3. Deodorants are encouraged for personal hygiene


  1. Students are to queue up while waiting for their turn in the office, the library, class or at the canteen.
  2. Students should stand up quietly to respectfully greet or thank the teacher or visitor who enters the classroom or leaves at the end of a lesson.
  3. Students must keep quiet and listen attentively especially when speeches and announcements are made during school functions.
  4. Rowdy and disorderly behaviour such as booing, jeering, shrieking or making unnecessary noise is strictly forbidden at all times.
  5. Students must at all times respect and obey all teachers, non-teaching staff and school prefects.  Genuine complaints or grievances may be made to the Headmaster.  Disrespect will not be tolerated.
  6. Any form of dishonest practice or communication between students during examinations or official subject tests, is strictly forbidden.
  7. Problems or disagreements between students must be settled peacefully, and if necessary, with the assistance of teachers or the Headmaster.  Settling such disagreements by fighting, either inside or outside the school, is a serious offence.
  8. Students should, at all times, respect the cultural and religious beliefs and practices of others and should never, by word or action, offend such beliefs and practices.
  9. Students should, at all times, uphold the good name of the school, irrespective of whether they are in or outside the school.
  10. There must not be any physical contact between boys and girls with the exception of handshakes in school. There must not be any public display of affection in school. Exclusive friendships between individuals are highly discouraged.


  1. Students must bring all books and equipment needed for school each day. Students are not allowed to call their parents or other people to bring the things that they have forgotten. Students will have to learn to be more responsible or bear the consequences.
  2. All ‘homework’ and assignments given by the teachers must be done on time.
  3. Report Cards must be signed by parents or guardians.  Students must not make any changes in the Report Cards.
  4. Every student is expected to be a member of at least one school club / society and one uniformed body.
  5. All fees must be paid before the due date.
  6. A fine of 10 sen for every word uttered other than English and Bahasa Malaysia (20 sen in the classroom) by students is imposed during school hours.


  1. Each class is responsible for the cleanliness and good order of its own  classroom. Regular sweeping and dusting must be done as arranged and supervised by the Form Teachers and/or Class Monitors.  Lights, fans and air-conditioners must be turned off and windows and doors closed when the class is not in use and at the end of school each day.
  2. Food and drinks (except water) must not be consumed in the   classrooms, laboratories, library and any special room.
  3. No food and drinks (except plain water) are to be consumed on all floors  above the ground floor.
  4. Waste paper and rubbish must be deposited in the receptacles provided for this purpose.  Littering and spitting are not permitted.


  1. Items not needed for the lessons such as illegal drugs, glue, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, lighters, chewing gum, compact discs, hand phones, ipods, smart watches, pornographic materials, mirrors, liquid correcting fluid, marker pens, aerosol sprays of any kind, fire crackers and other explosive items, knives, chains, iron bars or any kind of weapon, comics, games, playing cards and fashion or film magazines are prohibited from the school. When in doubt, check with the school authorities. Confiscated items will not be returned.
  2. All school property (walls, chairs, tables, facilities and equipment) must be treated with care and not vandalised or written upon or marked in any way.  Writing unnecessary on whiteboards, marking on school walls and interfering with school or class notice boards are strictly forbidden.
  1. The Merit / Demerit System is designed as an instrument to maintain discipline.  The System encourages good social behaviour and inculcates positive values among the students.  It generates and perpetuates in students a sense of responsibility and accountability for their own behaviour and to internalize these positive tenets and values for the attainment of self-discipline.  This is not a punitive system, but one based on positive, corrective principles and measures.
  2. Every child will start off with 100 points.
    Depending on the student’s behaviour, attitude and performances, points will be deducted (demerit points) or awarded (merit points).
  3. Merit Points:
    No.CodeBehaviourMerit Points
    3M3Diligence / Completion / Neatness in school work2-5
    4M4Tidiness / Neatness in appearance and classrooms2-5
    7M7Reports misdeeds without fear / favour2-5
    8M8Willing to take responsibilities2-5
    9M9Courageous acts2-10
    10M10Other good deeds2-10
    11M11Positive changes in attitude / behaviour / performanceAward to  be based on demerit points accumulated
  4. Demerit Points:
    No.CodeBehaviourDemerit Points
    5D5Coming to school / lessons late2-5
    6D6Failure to complete / hand in assignment2-5
    7D7Eating in class / Running along corridor / Playing rough2-5
    8D8Uttering foul language5-10
    9D9Telling lies /Spreading rumours5-10
    13D13Disrespect to staff / prefect5-20
    16D16In possession of prohibited items5-20  (items confiscated)
    17D17Truancy / Leaving class / school without permission5-20
    18D18Gambling / Betting10-20
    19D19Seen in company of outsiders or suspicious characters10-20
    20D20Inappropriate / indecent behaviour45
    22D22Cheating in school test / examination50
    23D23Drug abuse50
    24D24Any other inappropriate conduct / behaviour not covered aboveTo be determined by the School Discipline Board/HM
  5. Award of Merit Points/ Magis Awards (Secondary School)
    5.1. In an effort to use positive reinforcement to help students build character, the Secondary School will actively recognise exceptional or above average good behaviour among students.

    5.2. When a student demonstrates exceptional or above average good behaviour, the teacher can award the student with a sticker and merit points. The teacher will then complete the Magis Award Google Form.

    5.3. The merit points collected will be consolidated every three months and the student with the highest points in each class will be awarded the Quarterly Magis Award. Each Quarterly Magis Award winner will then be considered for the Annual Magis Award for each level.

    5.4. The merit points awarded for the Magis Awards are kept separate from the demerit points system. In the demerit points system, each student is given 100 points to start in Form 1 and their points will be deducted if demerit points are given and carried forward until they leave the school in Form 5.

The School Disciplinary Board shall consist of:
The Headmaster
The Class Teacher
The Disciplinary Teacher
The Teacher concerned
Other teachers appointed by the Headmaster

Every child will start off with 100 points.
The penalty benchmarks are as follows:

PointsAction byAction to be taken
85 pointsClass Teacher
  • to give advice / counselling
75 pointsClass Teacher
  • to give warning
  • to inform parents verbally
  • to refer to School Counsellor
65 pointsClass Teacher
  • to refer to HM
  • to arrange for parent-teacher interview
55 pointsClass TeacherPrincipal
  • to refer to the Principal
  • to arrange for parent-teacher interview with student
  • letter of guarantee to be signed
45 pointsDisciplinary BoardPrincipal
  • first suspension from school
  • letter to inform parents
  • counselling to be given
30 pointsDisciplinary BoardPrincipal
  • second suspension from school
  • to interview parents/student
  • counselling to be given
  • letter of Agreement to be signed
15 pointsDisciplinary BoardPrincipal
  • final suspension from school
  • to interview parents/student
  • final warning to be given
  • letter of Agreement to be signed
0 pointsDisciplinary BoardPrincipal
  • expulsion from school
  • School Board to be informed
  1. “Sweaty” students are not allowed in the library.
  2. No eating or drinking is allowed in the library.
  3. Baskets or bags are not allowed to be brought into the library.
  4. Students are allowed to borrow one book at a time for a period of two weeks.
  5. Only the owner of the library card can borrow or return books, CD, VCD and DVD.
  6. Students are not allowed to reserve any reading materials in the library.
  7. Silence must be observed at all times while in the library.
  8. Students will be fined RM1.00 per day for overdue books.
  9. Books that are lost should be reported to the librarian immediately. Students will be required to replace the lost book or pay for it at cost price.
  10. Do not enter the library if the sign on the door says ‘CLOSED’ or ‘LESSON IN PROGRESS’.
  1. Students are not allowed to enter the laboratory without the teacher’s permission.
  2. School bags are not allowed to be brought into the laboratory.
  3. Ensure the safety of yourself and other students while in the laboratory.
  4. Take good care of all apparatus used in the experiment.
  5. Clean up and return the apparatus after an experiment to its original place.
  6. No chemicals or apparatus can be taken out of the laboratory.
  7. Report any breakage or accident to the teacher immediately.
  8. Clear up any broken apparatus and any spillage of chemicals.
  9. Students are not allowed to touch, taste, use any chemical or carry out any experiment without the teacher’s permission and under the teacher’s supervision.
  10. Do not run, play, eat or drink in the laboratory.
  11. Read the instructions and the labels on the reagent bottles before carrying out any experiment.
  12. Do not waste gas, water, electricity or chemicals.
  13. Always ensure that your bench is clean and tidy.
  14. Do not throw solid waste (matchsticks, filter paper, etc) into the sink.
  15. Run lots of water when disposing acids and alkalis.
  16. Ensure the cleanliness of the laboratory at all times.
  17. Any student who does not follow the above rules will be severely punished.
  1. Students are to come to the workshop / cookery room as quickly as possible after the bell has rung for their lessons.
  2. Students are not allowed to enter the rooms without the teacher’s permission.
  3. Ensure the safety of yourself and other students while in the workshop.
  4. School bags are not allowed to be brought into the rooms.
  5. Do not run, play, eat or drink in the workshop.
  6. Take good care of all tools and equipment in the rooms.
  7. Report any breakage or accident to the teacher immediately.
  8. Do not waste gas, water or electricity. Make sure all lights, fans and stoves are switched off before leaving the rooms.
  9. Do not throw solid waste (food, matchsticks, paper, etc) into the sink. All perishable rubbish should be taken out of the cookery room after any practical sessions.
  10. Clean up and return the tools and equipment to its original place after use.
  11. At the end of every class session, the workshop / cookery room should be clean and neat.
  12. Students should not bring any workshop tools and cookery equipment from home without prior permission of the teacher.
  13. Any tools spoiled or broken due to carelessness and failure to listen to instructions will have to be replaced by the student.
  14. All instructions from the Living Skills teacher have to be followed during practical sessions.
  15. Any student who does not follow the above rules will be severely punished.
  • P.E. Attire
    1. Only school T-shirts and black bottoms are to be worn for P.E. lessons.
    2. Students must be properly dressed before proceeding to the P.E. area.
    3. Students must change to school uniforms after P.E. lessons.
    4. Shoes must be worn at all times during P.E. lessons. Students who are unable to take part in P.E. lessons must produce medical certificates or letters from the parents stating the reasons.
  • Sports Store / Equipment
    1. The sports store is out of bound to all students except those helping the teacher.
    2. Sports equipment and balls are the property of the school and are to be handled carefully and properly.
    3. Check and count the equipment (balls, shot-putt, etc) before taking them out or returning them to the store before and after each lesson.
    4. Damage or loss of equipment is to be made good by the student/class concerned. No equipment may be taken from the sports store without the permission of the P.E. teacher.
  • Safety and Security
    1. Line up in pairs outside the classroom after changing into your P.E. attire.
    2. The teacher will bring you to the P.E. area.
    3. Dress properly so that your movement will not be restricted during P.E. lessons.
    4. Follow the instructions and skills demonstrated by the teacher so that accidents can be avoided.
    5. Do not talk or play while the teacher is explaining or showing a particular skill.
    6. In all practical activities, please wait for your turn and leave the area after you have completed your turn.
    7. Students must give their full attention at all times during P.E. lessons.
    8. Certain equipment are dangerous (e.g. javelin, discus, shot putt, etc) and must not be handled by any student in the absence of a teacher.
  • Other useful information
    1. P.E. lessons will stop 5 – 10 minutes earlier to enable you to change for the next lesson.
    2. After P.E. lessons, students may drink from the water cooler. Buying food / drinks from the canteen is prohibited.
    3. Students must be back in the classrooms before the next lesson begins.
    4. Students must practise proper behaviour, positive attributes and attitudes (e.g. initiative, co-operation, cleanliness, etc) during P.E. lessons.
    5. P.E. lessons are meant to be enjoyed and if properly utilized will contribute to a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy life.
  1. Switch off all electrical appliances (air-conditioners, lights, fans, computers, etc)
  2. Leave the room quickly leave all your belongings behind
  3. Walk quickly to the field/park no pushing, running, panic, etc
  4. Line up in your assigned places
  5. Follow all instructions given by your teacher

You have only 3 MINUTES to get out.

Action by Teachers

  1. Inform the office (Principal, administrative staff)
  2. Ring the emergency bell. Call 994 / 999. Switch off all electrical mains
  3. Leave the room quickly; make sure no one is left behind
  4. Walk quickly to the assigned places
  5. Check attendance and maintain order
  6. Report irregularities (Principal, administrative staff)
  7. Do not disperse until dismissed