How To Apply
Click on the following for a copy of the respective registration form:

Submit the completed and signed application form with the required documents*, which are listed below:
- TWO copies of the most recent student’s passport size photo
- A copy of the student’s birth certificate
- For Malaysian applicants: a copy of the studentʼs NRIC/MyKid
- For Non-Malaysian applicants: copies of the studentʼs and both parentsʼ passport inner cover page as well as passes for studentʼs coming in with dependant visas.
- A photocopy of Baptism certificate (baptised Catholics only)
- A photocopy of First Holy Communion Certificate (baptised Catholics only)
- A copy of the most recent full school report and any others from the past 12 months
- Photocopies of relevant Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) certificates or certified ECA report from school (if any)
- Application will not be processed unless all sections in the application form are completed.
- Closing Date for Registration is the end of April of the year preceding admission.
- Applications may be submitted via e-mail, by fax, by mail, or in person.
- Submission of Application Form does not mean automatic admission to the preferred School (SJPS /SJIS).
- Admission depends on the result of an assessment test and participation and achievements in extra-curricular activities.
- The submission of false, inaccurate or misleading information could lead to a rejection of your application for enrolment in the School. Parents must at all times inform the School of any changes to such information.
- Payment of the following fees:
- Registration Fee: RM300 (SJPS) / RM500 (SJIS)
(non-refundable, non-transferable between person or between year) - Assessment Test Fee:RM100
- Registration Fee: RM300 (SJPS) / RM500 (SJIS)
- Registration and assessmenttest fee can be paid via credit card or cheque. Payment for the Assessment Test Fee of RM100.00 isnon-refundable even if the applicant does not attend the test.
- The School will schedule an Assessment Test for all prospective students. The purpose of the assessment test is to ensure that students meet all the educational requirements.
- An email will be sent to the applicant’s parents stating the specific date and time of the test.
- Students will be assessed on the subjects below:
- Admission of a student into the school is subject to availability of places and an applicant’s satisfactory assessment test results.
- All forms of assessments conducted are the property of the School and will be kept private and confidential. The School reserves the right not to reveal the details of the assessment results.
National Primary | National Secondary | International |
Bahasa Melayu | Bahasa Melayu | English Language |
English Language | English Language | Mathematics |
Mathematics (in English) | Mathematics (in English) | Science |
- Parents will be notified of the application status in about a month after the assessment test date.
- Successful application: A Letter of Offer will be issued. Parents will then choose to accept or decline the offer. If you accept the offer, you will then need to proceed for enrollment.
- If the year’s group is filled, the applicant’s name will be placed on a waiting list. The applicant will be offered a place as soon as a place becomes available at the discretion of the School.
- However, the School reserves the right to refuse admission for any reason it deems fit.
- The acceptance of the enrolment will only be confirmed following a full payment of the Admission, One Term School Fee & Miscellaneous Fees.
- The successful applicant must meet the requirements set for the enrolment process, otherwise the place will be offered to others.