Message from the Principal of the Secondary School

SJSS Principal Fr. Stanley Goh (1)
Fr. Stanley Goh Yu-Ming, SJ

1 October 2021 onwards

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”

The Greek philosopher Plutarch hit the nail on the head when he recognised that education is about inspiration and not just about filling minds of knowledge and information. That echoes what I feel is the true work of education – inspiring our young people and preparing them for the road ahead.

Educating young minds is not an enterprise for the faint hearted, as any parent or teacher can attest to. The challenge of inspiring these young minds to be open to the world, to see themselves as leaders of the future, and to have the desire to contribute to their communities seems immense but is at the same time an extremely exciting prospect. I’m humbled and eager to be part of this work to kindle the fires of learning and development in our students.

Fr Stanley Goh Yu-Ming, SJ