SPM Bible Knowledge

SPM Bible Knowledge (9221)

Bible Knowledge (BK) is a subject endorsed by the Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Malaysian Ministry of Education) and Lembaga Peperiksaan (Examination Syndicate) as a Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) elective subject.

It is a paper on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospel of Luke and the founding of the early Church as found in the Acts of the Apostles. The questions are in English and students have to answer in English as well.

Bible Knowledge was first introduced in the mission schools throughout the country in the 1940s. It was offered during the Malayan Certificate of Education (MCE) and later, in the Sijil Rendah Pelajaran (SRP) and SPM.

However, the number of schools and students taking the subject decreased to about 500 candidates in the 1980s as it was no longer deemed compulsory to teach the subject in schools. In 1993, BK was no longer in the Form Three examination.

The number continued to drop to 200 candidates to the point that in 1994 it was taken out of SPM and listed as a Sijil Am Pelajaran (SAP) subject.

BK was re-instated as an SPM subject with 20 candidates in 1995. It peaked in 2009 and 2010 with 1000+ candidates. Now it has an average of 350 candidates per year.

Who can take BK exam?

  1. Students taking SPM exam,
  2. Adults under the age of 55, with a Malaysian identity card can sit for the paper as private candidates.

* One does not have to be a Christian to take BK.


The SPM Bible Knowledge (BK) syllabus requires a minimum of two hours of instruction per week over a period of two years. In St Joseph’s Private School, three periods covering two hours are assigned within the school timetable in Form Four and Five. Moreover, our students are introduced to the Bible from Form One onwards with three periods each week at every level.

The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible was used up to 2006. The Good News Version is the accepted standard text for SPM since 2007.

Assessment Objectives

The general aim of this course is to acquire knowledge and understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the growth of the Early Church. Candidates will be expected to:

  1. state the name of a person or place that is involved in a certain event;
  2. identify, narrate or explain parables (and miracles) and the reasons for an event;
  3. make conclusions about lessons in parables (and miracles) or events;
  4. make comparisons and connections between parables (and miracles), events and the roles of key people;
  5. evaluate the role of key people in events or parables (and miracles) as well as the importance of the impact of an event.

Subject Content

Candidates should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the historical, cultural, political, social and religious setting of the period. A detailed knowledge of both texts is required. The subject content is divided into two sections:
Section 1:
The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ as contained in the Gospel of Luke (Chapter 1 – 24)
Section 2:
The Acts of the Apostles (Chapter 1 – 28)

Candidates are required to sit for one paper (1)
the duration of which is two hours.

Section A: Context Questions (answer all) –  Gospel of Luke
3 questions – 5 marks each
Total = 15 marks 

Section B: Context Questions (answer all) – The Acts of the Apostles
3 questions – 5 marks each
Total = 15 marks 

Section C: Essay Questions
Part 1
: 2 open-ended HOTS short essay questions (one from Luke and the other from Acts)
Answer 1 question only
Total = 10 marks

Part 2: 4 long essay questions (2 from Luke and the other 2 from Acts)
Answer 3 questions only (each 20 marks)
Total = 60 marks

Total = 100 marks

  1. A Study Guide to The Acts of the Apostles by Issachar Sdn Bhd
  2. A Study Guide to The Gospel According to Luke by Issachar Sdn Bhd
  3. SPM Bible Knowledge Gospel According to Luke by KL Archdiocese Bible Apostolate

For more info on SPM Bible Knowledge, go this page on Teachers’ Christian Fellowship Malaysia.