A combined band camp for St Joseph’s Secondary School Marching Band, St Teresa’s Secondary School Concert Band and St Joseph’s Private School Concert Band was held on May 29th 2021.
We started at 2.00 pm sharp with the ice-breaking session where we played all sorts of fun games like identifying jumbled words, guessing the mystery items, a scavenger hunt and more. We even had a dancing session where everyone got up and started grooving to the music. We had a 15-minute intermission before we continued our fun games and activities.
We had lots of fun and we got to meet new and old friends as well. Through the games, we learned more about music and how teamwork is very much needed when playing music or just getting on with our daily activities with our family and friends. Everyone enjoyed themselves during this combined band camp but sadly, all good things must come to an end.
At 4.30 pm, we ended our band camp. It was sad to have to leave but it didn’t mean it was the end. We had fun and made lots of friends through this combined band camp so I am sure we will have it again. I look forward to all of our future endeavours.
• Emily Eng (F1 Eta)