Drama Club’s “Us and Them”
On 22 and 23 April 2016, the English Drama Club of St Joseph’s Private School presented their play entitled “Us and Them: A Story of Ours” at the Mater Dei Auditorium, ACCPC, St Joseph’s Cathedral.
To view the program book, click here.
For photos of the drama, click here. Photos were taken by Chris Wong Lee Hung (F4ScPhi), Donnoel Yeo Jun Quan (F4ScPhi), Camillus Hii King Lian (F4ScTheta).
The following is a prayer that the cast and crew used during their practice.
A Prayer of Ours
O God who writes our every story,
give us grace to give you glory.
Help us love our every neighbour
and with your mercy remove all fear.
Break down walls that come between
that in the clearing, hope be seen.
A hope to share with all around
that in our world your love resound.