Teachers’ Day / Gawai
A special Mass was celebrated with Fr Alvin Ng, SJ as the presider on 29 May 2015. The Mass was for Teachers’ Day and Gawai Dayak.
After which there were speeches by Sr Marie Celine, SSFS, Fr Francis Lim, SJ and Mr Gerald Lee.
Various performances were presented by students including traditional Iban and Bidayuh dances.
A “Go Bald” head shaving event was also held. The amount raised for Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society was RM 50,043.45 It is a big feat by our students. Sixty students including seven girls and two parents went bald. Congratulations for such a good effort.
For photos of this event, click on the photo below for Google+. Photos were by Nicola Chan Ling (F 4Sc Theta), Yong Jee Ham (F 4ScTheta), Jonathan Lau Shu Ming (F4ScPhi) and Camillus Hii King Lian (F3B). Photos on Google Photos.