News Release
- Premier: Having English, BM as official languages allow Sarawak to stay ahead, 8th November 2023
- St. Joseph’s Private Schools Production Explores Boundaries in Societies, 16th October 2023.
- A Story Of Ours; Us & Them, by St. Joseph’s Private Schools Kuching a success, 2nd October 2023.
- St. Joseph Kuching; “A Story Of Ours; Us & Them” leaves profound impact on audience members, 1st October 2023.
- A Story Of Ours: Us & Them by Borneo Talk, 1st October 2023.
- Us & Them keeps St. Joe Audience Spellbound, 1st October 2023
- St. Joseph’s Schools appreciates Cindy Chia’s contribution, 29th September 2023.
- Catch St. Joseph’s Kuching : “A Story Of Ours; Us & Them” this weekend!, 29 September 2023
- US-Based Sarawakian buys school play tickets; “A Story of Ours: Us & Them” for three charities in Kuching, 25 September 2023.
- St. Joseph’s Private Schools’ production: A Story of ours & Them, 21st September 2023.
- St. Joseph’s International girls achieve perfect Cambridge A-Levels scores, 17th August 2023.
- Five St. Joseph’s International School students achieved perfect scores in Cambridge A Levels Exams, 16th August 2023.
- St. Joseph’s Private Secondary School crowned champion of 27th Knowledge Bible Quiz, 15th August 2023.
- St. Joseph’s Private Schools set to restage “A Story of Our: Us & Them” on 29 – 30 Sep in Kuching, 27th July 2023.
- Some 1,400 runners expected for Ora Et Labora Run, 14th June 2023.
- 27 St Joseph’s Private SPM 2022 candidates achieve straight A’s, 8th June 2023.
- Sarawak school choir tops youth category of international contest, 10th April 2023.
- SCIENCE by Sarawak Energy 5.0 showcases projects by students from 16 schools, 28th March 2023.
- Ex-Josephian’s reminisce “Good old days” at reunion in Kuching, 22nd March 2023.
- Another Fruitful Year for St. Joseph’s International School, Kuching 27th January 2023.
- “Friends in Concert” sold out concert was spectacular! 20th December 2022.
- Friends in Concert to showcase award winning concert and marching bands, 30th November 2022.
- Highians, Jospehian’s surprised themselves as swim champs, 17th October 2022.
- Kuching Comitium 1st Legion of Mary Junior Praesidia gathering “Walk by the side of Mary towards Jesus”, 24th August 2022.
- Extraordinary student talents shines at St. Joseph’s School event, 9th August 2022.
- St. Joseph’s Private School wins at Bali International Choir Festival (Video) 29th July 2022.
- SJFS Celebrates Joyous Double Celebrations with “Rhythm & Colour”, 28th July 2022.
- St. Joseph’s Kuching to celebrate milestone anniversaries with concert and fund raising, 24th July 2022.
- 36 Josephian’s scored straight A’s in SPM 2021, 16th June 2022.
- St. Joseph’s International School Offers German Education Pathway Programme, 12th February 2022.
- Passing over the baton, New Sarawak Tribune, 3 October 2021
- Father Stanley Goh appointed as St Joseph’s Private Secondary School’s new principal. Borneo Post, 3 October 2021
- Fr Stanley Goh is new principal of St Joseph’s Private Secondary School, Today’s Catholic, 2 October 2021
- SJIS students, Christabel Lau and Ong Rui Yu win gold awards in the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition, “Heartfelt essays get awards,” The Star, 2 October 2021
- St Joseph’s Private School wins band championship silver, gold awards, New Sarawak Tribune, 8 September 2021
- St Joseph’s Private School teams get first and second in National SPM BK Quiz, Herald Malaysia, 28 August 2021
- Ulang tahun Kuiz Bible Knowledge Kebangsaan ke-25, Sekolah Swasta St Joseph muncul juara, Herald Malaysia, 28 August 2021
- SJPS teams emerge national champ, first runner-up in SPM Bible Knowledge Quiz 2021, Today’s Catholic, 19 August 2021
- School teams shine in Bible Knowledge quiz, New Sarawak Tribune, 14 August 2021
- St Joseph’s Choir Club wins at National Virtual Choir and Vocal Festival, Herald Malaysia, 13 August 2021
- Kudos to SJPSS for the Gold B win at MCE National Virtual Choir and Vocal Festival 2021, Today’s Catholic, 27 July 2021
- SJPS wins online English debate challenge, New Sarawak Tribune, 14 July 2021
- SJPSS Choir Club is second runner-up, New Sarawak Tribune, 14 July 2021
- SJPS Graduates of 2020 share testimonies on Bible Knowledge as an SPM Subject, Today’s Catholic, 2 July 2021, Herald, 5 July 2021
- An alumnus of 2017 shares his scholarship journey, “Shell Scholar recounts journey from SPM to enjoying varsity life in UK,” Borneo Post, 22 June 2021
- Missing school but all efforts paid off, New Sarawak Tribune, 12 June 2021
- Fourteen St Joseph’s Private School students score straight As in SPM, Dayakdaily, 11 June 2021
- St Joseph’s Private School’s 14 shine, New Sarawak Tribune, 10 June 2021
- SJPS organised SPM Bible Knowledge seminar on new exam format, Today’s Catholic, 19 May 2021
Same news in The Herald Malaysia, 19 May 2021 - Our student from SJIS, Maths genius wins ‘top in the world’ award, New Sarawak Tribune, 13 May 2021
- Josephian Day goes virtual on March 26 as SMK St Joseph prepares to finish restoration works on Mill Hill Block, The Borneo Post, 20 March 2021
- St Joseph’s Private School is number two – SM Lodge wins 16th Swinburne Sarawak inter-school debate, The Borneo Post, 18 March 2021
- Naim Foundation presents awards to 20 top students of SJPS, The Borneo Post, 20 February 2021
- SK St Joseph building handed back, New Sarawak Tribune, 23 December 2020
- Handing on the legacy of (SK) St Joseph to St Joseph’s Private Primary School, Dayakdaily, 23 December 2020
- St Joseph’s Private Primary School fully occupies school’s former SK building, The Borneo Post, 23 December 2020
- Handing on the legacy of (SK) St Joseph to St Joseph’s Private Primary School, Today’s Catholic, 22 December 2020
- St Joseph’s Private School bags world choir gold, The New Sarawak Tribune, 15 December 2020
- Fr Francis spoke to New Sarawak Tribune about online class, “Many prefer face-to-face contacts,” 2 December 2020
- One of our students, Xavier Liao who is the SJPS Leo Club president went bald to raise funds with the Lions Club of Kuching City for Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society, The Borneo Post, 25 October 2020
- SJIS celebrates graduation of first batch of A-level students, Dayakdaily, 30 August 2020
- SJIS marks passing out of first batch of A-level students, The Borneo Post, 30 August 2020
- In a webinar organised by the Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild and facilitated by Mr Leeroy Garet on 8 August 2020, Fr Francis shared his idea on “How to be caring teachers during Covid-19 pandemic,” New Sarawak Tribune, 9 August 2020
- Fr Francis gives his opinion in Educators’ opinions on exam cancellation, postponement, New Sarawak Tribune, 17 April 2020
- St Joseph’s Private School Chamber Choir / Christmas Charity Chorale Concert Choir, and Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) English Morning Mass Choir are featured this article, “There is no greater love than God’s Love,” Today’s Catholic, 13 April 2020
- Inaugural Josephian Day gathers students together, The Borneo Post, 15 March 2020
- Two of our students are in this water polo state team, “Sarawak water polo set to make MSSM comeback” The Borneo Post, 13 March 2020
- Students from five schools, old boys to meet on Josephian Day, The Borneo Post, 8 March 2020
- Inaugural Josephian Day on March 13, Dayak Daily, 8 March 2020
- St. Joseph’s Private Secondary School achieved the best results so far, with 32 straight A students, translated into English from Mandarin, Sin Chew Daily News, 6 March 2020
- What the top achievers say, New Sarawak Tribune, 6 March 2020
- 创历来最佳成绩 . 圣若瑟私校 32人全A (Best Ever, St Joseph’s Private School 32 students all A), Sin Chew Daily, 6 March 2020
- School wises up to waste with Trienekens, New Sarawak Tribune, 14 February 2020
- Fr Vincent Chin blesses new prayer room and student hostel at St Joseph’s International School, Today’s Catholic, 13 February 2020
- The Lions from St. Joseph, New Sarawak Tribune, 1 February 2020
- Archbishop Simon Poh blesses four new lion heads for SJPS Lion Dance Troupe, Today’s Catholic, 28 January 2020
- SJPS Lion Dance Troupe brings joy and prosperity to parishioners after Sunday Mass, Blessed Sacrament Church News, 28 January 2020
- Making parenting less daunting: The Parenting Teenagers Course, Today’s Catholic, 20 November 2019
- Uplifting experience for St Joseph’s Private School students and scouts at Home of Peace, Today’s Catholic, 12 November 2019
- 61 students of St Joseph’s Private School-Primary receive their First Holy Communion, Today’s Catholic, 4 November 2019
- Cambridge bound – St Joseph takes pride in three ex-students going to top university in England, The Sun Daily, 15 October 2019
- St Joe takes pride in three ex-students going to Cambridge, The Borneo Post, 29 September 2019
- Combathon and Food Fair to raise funds, Today’s Catholic, 18 September 2019
- Rajah Brooke kutip dana bina dewan sekolah, Suara Sarawak, 9 July 2019
- The White Rajah is back! Today’s Catholic, 8 July 2019
- St Joseph’s Marching Band receives hero’s welcome after stellar performance in Germany, The Borneo Post, 5 July 2019
- St Joseph’s Marching Band wins gold in Rastede, Germany, The Borneo Post, 4 July 2019
- So long, farewell Brother Paul, Today’s Catholic, 3 July 2019
- Musical on James Brooke with new songs and choreography, The Star Online, Metro News, 13 June 2019
- ‘The White Rajah of Sarawak’ musical is back!, Sarawak Tribune, 16 May 2019
- Old Josephians all set to host third ‘Ora Et Labora Run’, The Borneo Post, 4 May 2019
- Good turnout at St Joe’s zumbathon, family day, Borneo Post, 22 September 2018
- St Joseph’s Rhythm and Colour a sold-out affair, Borneo Post, 26 July 2018
- SJPS Choir clinches Silver in Singapore, The Borneo Post, 15 July 2018
- Best of friends score 10A+s in SPM, Borneo Post, 17 March 2018
- St Joseph’s wins Swinburne debate again, Borneo Post, 10 February 2018
- Geralyn Ting (F5SP) Sarawak State Champion: RHB NST Spell-It-Right National challenge:
Exams no obstacle to finalists, New Straits Times, 17 October 2017 - SMK Tabuan Jaya athletes lead, St Joseph’s Private impress, Borneo Post, 21 September 2017
- St Joseph’s Private Primary School third in bowling championship and Jarvis Ting Best Bowler,
SK Matang Jaya, SMK St, Joseph champs in Inter-School tourney, Borneo Post, 12 September 2017 - SJPS took part in this jogathon: Over 2,000 take part in SMK St Joseph joggerthon, Borneo Post, 4 September 2017
- A musical take on Sarawak’s living heritage, Kuching In and Out, August-October 2017
- Over 340 swimmers, 39 new records at Kotas Meet, Borneo Post, 8 August 2017
- SJK Chung Hua No. 2, St Joseph’s Private School are champs again, The Borneo Post, 7 August 2017
- Schools present musical on White Rajah of Sarawak, The Borneo Post, 6 August 2017
- SJPS Secondary defends the KOTAS swimming challenge trophy, The Borneo Post, 5 August 2017
- Organiser extends showtime of ‘White Rajah of Sarawak’ musical play to three nights, The Borneo Post, 19 July 2017
- School to stage play on life of James Brooke, The Borneo Post, 25 June 2017
- Registration opens for St Joseph’s Kindergarten 2018 intake, Borneo Post, 14 April 2017
- Many firsts for St Joseph’s Family of Schools at Sarawak Stadium, Borneo Post, 31 March 2017
- Alyssa, Sau Jee score straight A+s, Borneo Post, 17 March 2017
- St Joseph’s Private School records first straight A students in SPM, Borneo Post, 16 March 2017
- Musical drama on James Brooke to be staged in August, Borneo Post, 16 March 2017
- St Joseph’s Private School is debate champion, Swinburne website, 17 February 2017
- St Joseph’s Private School Kuching Debate Champion, Borneo Post, 17 February 2017
- Zachary Tan swims at the 44th Sarawak Age Group Swimming Championship (SAG), Borneo Post, 11 February 2017
- St Joseph’s Private Secondary School new champion at KASA2010 2017, Borneo Post, 24 January 2017
- Records tumble as St Joseph’s Private, SJK Chung Hua No. 4 grab early lead, Borneo Post, 22 January 2017
- Private schools making presence felt in the pool, Borneo Post, 19 January 2017
- SJS Band with Onyx Brass: Breaking new ground in music performances, The Star, 14 December 2016
- Two top brass bands join forces at grand concert, The Borneo Post, 11 December 2016
- Sarawak win 3 gold in school wushu championship, The Borneo Post, 22 November 2016
- School Band to perform with Onyx Brass at The Brass Spectacular, The Borneo Post, 13 November 2016
- SMK St Joseph school band members, Azam, SDI pay courtesy visit to CM, The Borneo Post, 20 October 2016
- Community concert to pack a punch, The Star, 11 October 2016
- St Joseph’s Secondary School Band poised for better things, The Borneo Post, 9 October 2016
- Cor Amoris to hold charity run on Nov 20 at MBKS carpark, The Borneo Post, 12 September 2016
- St Joseph’s Private School is the new champion in KOTAS swimming competition, The Borneo Post, 13 September 2016
- Maia Faith Leong (P3Love) – Winner of NST Spell-It-Right Primary School Category 2016 First timer takes home RM2,000 in NST’s Spell-It-Right Challenge, New Straits Times, 20 August 2016
- Fewer participants in rhythmic gymnastics Sarah Ng (F1B) and Emilie Jabu (F1C) taking part in SUKMA 2016 rhythmic gymnastics, The Borneo Post, 23 June 2016
- Sarawak bags 31-medal tally at national schools taekwondo. Lucas Lei Han Yew (F 5 Arts) and Lau Sheng Fung (F1E) won two gold medals each; St Joseph’s Private School third overall, The Borneo Post, 13 June 2016
- Fun, Love and Care for the Future: Career Guidance Day for St Joseph’s Private School. Borneo Post, 21 November 2015
- Another article on The Tempest, “Outstanding staging of The Tempest” (Borneo Post, 25 October 2015)
- Mandy Lim Xin Hui won bronze in the women’s traditional long apparatus in the 25th National Wushu Championship. Read about it in Sarawak finish third in national wushu championship, The Borneo Post, 28 September 2015
- St Joseph’s School Marching Band emerged champion in the Division III A category after scoring 90.1 as a result of a stellar performance at MetLife Stadium at East Rutherford in New Jersey. They also swept all caption categories including the highest scores for visual, music, overall effect, percussion and colour guard to upstage 53 other top high school bands at the September 26, 2015 competition. Twenty five students of St Joseph’s Private School took part in this event. Read about it in SJS Marching Band triumphs at US Bands Yamaha Cup 2015, The Borneo Post, 3 October 2015
- St Joseph’s School did the state and country proud when its marching band took first place in the recent US Bands Yamaha Cup in New York. Read about it in another article, SJS band success makes state, country proud, The Borneo Post, 3 October 2015
- St Joseph’s School Marching Band, Kuching tops in US as reported in Kuching school band tops in US, The Star, 3 October 2015
- St Joseph’s Secondary School Emerges As Champion In USBands Yamaha Cup 2015, See Bernama, 27 September 2015
- Runner-up in the Kuching Division Inter School Wushu Tournament 2015 – St Joseph’s Private School emerged second with overall points of 70, falling behind champion SMK Sungai Tapang, 78 points. See SMK Sungai Tapang retains inter-school wushu crown, The Borneo Post, 24 September 2015
- 5th Samarahan-Kuching Divisions Primary and Secondary Schools Swimming Championship 2015 – St Joseph’s Private Secondary School emerged third with 229 points at this swimming competition held at the Aquatic Centre of Excellence, Youth and Sports Complex. The first school won 278 points while the second school won 270 points. Zoe Tan Chia Chia (F4ScTheta) won Best Girl in Group A (15-17) with four golds, three silvers and one bronze. SMK Batu Lintang ‘dislodged’ as swimming champs, The Borneo Post, 17 August 2015
- Sushil Pubalan – tenpin bowling champion in the Sarawak Leg of the Sportexcel-NSC-Milo-MTBC Junior Circuit 2015, The Borneo Post, 9 August 2015, Sarawak bowlers strike six of six
- Third news item on The Tempest in the Borneo Post, 6 August 2015, Full Steam Ahead for The Tempest
- Another news item on The Tempest in the Borneo Post, 25 July 2015, Students to conjure Shakespearean play ‘The Tempest’
- A write-up on the school drama put up by the students on William Shakepeare’s last play, The Tempest. Students hoist sails for The Tempest, The Borneo Post, 28 June 2015
- Kuching sweep 10 titles at MSSS tennis meet 2015 Champions: Kirsten Leong (Girls U18 singles), Angeline Ong and Abigail Ong (Girls U15 doubles), Angeline Ong (Girls U15 singles), Mark Leong (Boys U15 singles) Borneo Post, 25 April 2015
- Charity car wash at St Joseph’s Private School on March 21-22 (Borneo Post, 15 March 2015)
- Cor Amoris Charity Club 2015 Students set up Cor Amoris to raise funds for the needy, TheStar 10 March 2015
- An Evening at the Symphony 2014 Some of our students are part of the St Joseph’s School Band and a concert was held on 7 December 2014 at Trinity Methodist Church, Ellis Road, Kuching. The concert was titled “An Evening at the Symphony” featuring the T’ang Quartet, a string quartet from Singapore. TheStarOnline 11 December 2014: Young SJS musicians collaborate with T’ang Quartet for an unforgettable show
- Congratulations to Lau Sau Jee, Jeremiah Dudun Henry and Zachary Aw Zheng Quan (F3A) for winning fourth prize in the Lower Secondary category of Mighty Minds National Challenge held on 27 September 2014 at Cititel, Kuala Lumpur. Article in The Star Online 5 October 2014: The cream of the crop
- Congratulations to Lau Sau Jee, Jeremiah Dudun Henry and Zachary Aw Zheng Quan (F3A) for winning first prize in the Lower Secondary category of Mighty Minds State Challenge on 3 May 2014 held at THe Spring. See the news article in The Star, 4 May 2014
- Congratulations to Mandy Lim Xin Hui (F1C) who topped the Girls B nanquan event by scoring 8.43 points at the KPM Wushu Championship. Article in The Borneo Post, 22 April 2014