SJPS Leo Club roars at the 47th Multiple District 308 Leo Forum 2021

   The Leo Club program is the most successful youth program under the Lions Clubs International since 1957. LEO is an acronym of Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. The word speaks itself for our purpose, which is to give opportunity to the youth, to gain various experiences to build leaders of tomorrow from our beloved community and country.

   Multiple District (MD) 308 Leo Clubs consists of Leo Clubs and its members from Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, which is further divided into 4 sub-districts namely District 308-A1, District 308-A2, District 308-B1 and District 308-B2.

   The MD 308 Leo Forum is an annual meeting which brings together youths across these three countries, to engage in dynamic discussions through various forums; to learn and develop new skills/knowledge through various workshops; to learn from outstanding young leaders in community; to participate in cultural and knowledge exchange and to be recognised in our Grand Award Presentation Night.

   The Multiple District 308 Leo Forum is an annual event where Leos from 4 different districts (A1, A2, B1 and B2) get together physically and get to know more about other Leo Clubs as well as their Leos. This year’s Leo Forum was organised by Forum Organising Committee Chairperson Leo Jameson Padan Labung from Leo Club of Penang City (District 308-B2) and his team. However, this year’s Leo Forum can only be carried out online via Zoom, an online web-conference platform because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

   On the 5th of June 2021, there were a total of 947 delegates who attended the 47th Multiple District 308 Leo Forum 2021. 59 Leos from the Leo Club of St. Joseph’s Private School took part in the 2-day Leo Forum. With the involvement of over half the club in this voluntary forum, the Leo Club of SJPS stood out as the club with the highest participation of Leos which is about 8% out of the total participants. There were 95 Lions, 16 Faculty Advisors, 836 Leos from all over Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines (6 delegates), Indonesia (6 delegates) and Japan (6 delegates).

   The first day of the online Leo Forum was officially called to order by the Multiple District 308 Council Chairperson, Ooi Chao Syhuan at 9:30 a.m. The Forum began with an opening speech and introduction by the emcees and Lions as well as a brief run through on the list of activities lined up for the day. Shortly after a break, everyone was separated into specific ‘Zoom Breakout Rooms’ to attend the webinars which they have signed up for.

   On the second day, participants were streamed into their corresponding seminars. After the seminar session, everyone was arranged into groups and played some games. Two of our Leos, namely, Farrell Ng Ze Ran (F5Theta) and Oliver Jong Hong Zhao (F5Theta), showcased their talents by playing a guitar piece entitled “Kiss The Rain” by Yiruma and a piano piece entitled “Clair De Lune” by Claude Debussy respectively.

   ‘The   Award   Presentation Night cum Closing Ceremony’ began at 7:00 p.m. Our Club President was nominated as Leo of the Year as well as six other presidents from other Leo clubs. It is with great honour that President Xavier Liao, the President of Leo Club of St. Joseph’s Private School attained the Top Leo Award. Considering our club is only one year old, it is an amazing accomplishment as the Top Leo of the Year is the highest award to any Leo in our District with 73 Leo clubs. All participants of the 47th Multiple District 308 Leo Forum 2021 also received a Certificate of Participation from the Multiple District 308 Council Chairperson, Ooi Chao Syhuan.

The Leo Club of SJPS received the following awards:
1. Top Ten Leo Club Award
2. Excellent President (Xavier Liao Zhe – F5 Delta)
3. Excellent Secretary (Fredrick Tiong Ze – F5 Phi)
4. Excellent Treasurer (Kon Zhen Xin – F5 Delta)

LEO PRESIDENT XAVIER LIAO ZHE also received the following awards:
5. Leo of the Year (District 308-A2)
6. Most Liked Leo of the Year
7. Top Leo of the Year

Fredrick Tiong Ze