SJPS Leo Club’s first installation ceremony

From left to right:

Front row:
Zone 1 Chairperson Mary Lu, Principal of St. Joseph’s Private School Fr. Francis Lim Chin Choy, SJ, Guest of Honour District Governor Roland Chieng Yew Hee, Past District Governor Tan Soh Har, Region 1 Chairperson Bernard Lee, DC Youth Opportunities Sim Kuang Boon

Middle row:
SM Lodge Leo Secretary Tan Yu Chen, SM Lodge Leo VP Stanley Goh, SM Lodge President Oscar Koh, SJPS Leo President Xavier Liao, DC GLT (Region 1) and Leo Advisor Helena Lim, Past President Sheila Adenan, Past President Kelly Lim, Faculty Advisor Mr. John Yap.

Back row (Staircase):
Leo Club members and Club officers who were initiated and installed respectively.

KUCHING, 5th DECEMBER 2020, 3:06 P.M. – On a Saturday, 15 members were initiated and 8 Club officers were installed. This important ceremony was attended by Lion Dignitaries and District Governor Roland Chieng Yew Hee of which was the first face-to-face Leo initiation and installation that he attended this year.

   “This special ceremony is not only an initiation, but also a motion that they are now officially part of a growing Leo community,” Leo Secretary Fredrick said during the welcoming speech as this event was coincidentally conducted on Leo International Day.

   The 15 Leos were gracefully initiated by Region 1 Chairperson Bernard Lee and subsequently followed by the installation of Leo Club Officers by District 308-A2 District Governor Roland Chieng Yew Hee.

   “Being a Leo is not an easy task. It requires time, effort and dedication with true intentions. Even after months of serving in this Club, we are still learning from our actions and services,” said Leo President Xavier Liao professing on behalf of the Leos that this is just the beginning of their lifelong mission to carry out their duty by serving others.

   A congratulatory address was then given by the Principal of SJPS Fr. Francis Lim, SJ to felicitate the Leos and also expressing gratitude toward the Lions Clubs of Kuching City for sponsoring the Leo Club of St. Joseph’s Private School.

   The ceremony was adjourned at 4:06 p.m. after a special presentation by Leo Andrea and the singing of the Leo Song. After that, light refreshments sponsored by President Roger Ting and Lion Advisor Helena Lim were given around to the attendees.

The Leo Club Motto is
“Leadership, Experience, Opportunity”
Where there is a NEED, there is a LEO.

Fredrick Tiong Ze