Welcome to St. Joseph's Private Schools Annual Events

At St. Joseph’s Private Schools, we look forward to the annual event that showcases our students skills and talents through a variety of performances, plays, and musical productions, organized by the school’s very own committee members.
The purpose of having this annual event is to encourage our students to express their talents in the performing arts. It provides them an opportunity to open up their social circles and have hands-on experiences in planning, organizing, developing new skills, and enhancing creativity. In the process, together with the teachers and staff, we also hope to raise funds in support of the new building development of our schools. We pride ourselves on ensuring that our students’ education goes beyond the classroom setting by doing our level best to provide as many fun learning and memorable experiences as possible throughout their educational years.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your generosity and kind support for our students and teachers at St. Joseph’s Private Schools during our recent school play; “A Story Of Ours; Us & Them”. We look forward to making next year’s event as exciting, if not better than ever, and we hope you will journey with us in mind and spirit on this learning adventure together.
Another memorable page in history for SJPS!
Below are just a few of our project videos that we have endeavored over the years for your enjoyment. We hope you will continue to support our cause, as well as celebrate with us; our talented students and teachers in the coming future. We look forward to more amazing performances by them soon!